About us

So many amazing ideas are never born, because of circumstances. Time, money, worries, insecurities. We think the world will be a happier, friendlier, more relaxed place if people are encouraged to work on their dreams. With Deadline Bureau we want to challenge people to create new work. And to finish it. Why? Because it makes you proud. And gives you a mega-boost of self-confidence, belonging, meaning.

Our story

We met at a boring networking event and realized within ten minutes that we had the same dream: writing fiction. A book! Two! Copy writing is fun, but typing out stories makes us truly happy.

Soon thereafter, over a cup of coffee, we discussed the writing process, the insecurities and self-doubt. And it was wonderful to recognize that confused creative process in someone else. So we decided to be each other’s cheerleader: how is it going and did you manage to write an X number of words this week? We joked that that would be a good service: to set deadlines for others and then make sure they stick to them. Much like a kick in the butt, one we needed ourselves so badly.

We are well aware that by taking on this project we are procrastinating our own book-writing process. But to help others create and to build a community of like-minded people is so much fun, we just had to do it. So we decided to go ahead and take action, and here we are!

Meet the makers

Sanny is a cultural scientist who loves reading and has been writing (poetry) since she was little. Graduated (MA) with a thesis on identity and intangible cultural heritage in the Caribbean. An antropology enthusiast, she is captivated by the way people identify and interact with the world around them. Sanny loves to dance and hates being locked inside all day, behind screens.

Interests: traveling, nature, world music, immersing herself in other cultures.
Desires: to publish a magical bestseller that inspires one to dream.
Procrastinates with: reading books and doing research, going on long walks, washing the dishes and tidying up.
Mother of two children, freelance editor and writer since 2009.

Marloes is a cultural scientist who loves reading. She has been writing stories and drawing comics since she was little. She graduated with an MA in art sociology and is fascinated by the many reasons why people make art and how movements arise and decline. Marloes is a technerd who loves apps and gadgets and identifies as a digital hoarder.

Interests: cooking, going to restaurants and museums, horror movies, ASMR, music, hiking.
Desires: a literary body of work, stories in the New Yorker.
Procrastinates with: watching videos about motivation and psychology. WordPress. Alphabetizing books.
Mother of two children, freelance writer since 2010, working on a debut novel for a publishing house.

Creative team:
Our awesome photos are shot by Rem van den Bosch, with styling and make-up done by Pavla Serifoglu.
The website is designed by Codetikkers, with logo and corporate identity created by Martien Luteijn positioning & design.