
Deadline Bureau helps you take back control and achieve your goal. With our unique method and our personal guidance. No automated emails you can ignore: we offer real phone calls and serious consultation. Via our online intake we’ll determine the best interim monitoring moments. With our motivational phone calls and smart questions, we keep you on your toes and guide you all the way to the finish line.

We offer three deadline packages: short and sweet (Electric Shock), extensive guidance (CPR) and complete support (S.O.S.). If you would like to gift a deadline to someone else, a loved one who really needs accountability to get started or to finish their project, you can buy a deadline gift.

Our deadlines

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Electric Shock

- Smart online intake to determine the right approach for your project of choice.
- Accountability, motivation, structure and cheerleading for three months.
- Three phone calls ensure you put yourself back on the agenda.
- Find out more or order this deadline directly? Click on 'Help me'.



- A personal intake to get to know you and create your personal plan.
- Four scheduled calls to keep you accountable, motivated and structured. We will cheer you on!
- We will create (and share with you) a file of your progress.
- This four month-long deadline package ensures crucial monitoring with a stipulated finish line.
- Interested? Click on 'Help me' for more details.



- A step by step sustainable project plan tailormade for your long-term goal.
- Six months of guidance, motivation, structure and cheerleading so you will reach that finishline.
- A personal intake and six extensive one-on-one coaching conversations to keep you focused and to learn how to sabotage your inner saboteur.
- After each call we'll update your dossier (and share it with you) to create a personal anti-procrastination manual.
- Would you like to find out more? Just click on 'Help me'.

Deadline Gift

Gift a Deadline!

A Kick In The Butt. Especially for friends colleagues and family members who are always talking about starting (or finishing) that dream project, but never really seem to get going.

What they will receive:
- A very celebratory, fun email with instructions for the online intake.
- Three phone calls to keep them on track.
- Motivation, structure, cheerleading.
- Want to find out more? Just click on 'Help me'.