Ready – set – go!

“I didn’t have to explain why I wanted to create this specific artistic project, or why taking on assignments as an artist is very different from the regular 9 to 5. Sanny and Marloes just kept me accountable through phone calls, asked useful questions about my workweek and helped me to finish my project on time. Thank you!”
(a satisfied Deadline customer)

A unique service, founded in The Netherlands. Buy a deadline and we will call you. We provide accountability and cheerleading for any project.  

Happy testimonials:

”As a self-employed soloist, it is great to know you are not alone in working towards a goal. Because of Deadline Bureau I felt the energy and the support to take steps forward. With the continuous, kind check-ins and attentive questions, I worked steadily onward and accomplished my mission. I aced my final assignment, completed my specialization and started working as a kids yoga teacher.”
(Anne van den Ban, City Yoga)

“When I read the article about Deadline Bureau in Kek Mama (a Dutch glossy magazine), I immediately knew that if I ever wanted to write my first novel, I would buy a deadline. I have many great ideas and start out with great enthusiasm, but without external pressure or a deadline, there is always something else that needs to be done first. Now I have taken a year off to write and Sanny & Marloes are my supporters. The agreements we have are clear and they cheer me on when I am being too hard on myself. Their calls made me more productive.”
(Oeke van Boekel, Young Adult Writer)

Let Deadline Bureau help you!

Do you procrastinate on your dreams? Are you aware of what you want to accomplish and ready to get that passion project on the road?  Do you need a kick-start, and a deadline to keep you going? Does your agenda keep filling up with important ‘to do’s’ -mostly for others but not for you?

We want you to stop postponing your dreams. To put you back on your own agenda. So get yourself a deadline and turn it into your lifeline. 

Is Deadline Bureau for me?

Deadline Bureau was specially founded for creatives and entrepreneurs who have lots of plans, but struggle to make good use of their time. Who can stick to deadlines for others but not to deadlines for themselves. We help writers, artists, the self-employed, athletes and students.

We are all dopamine monkeys that go crazy for impulse purchases, must-haves and constant notifications. So it’s time to go back to basics. Do you schedule enough time for yourself to do what you want to do? Things that get you moving and your energy up: sports, creativity, learning, developing a good idea? Or even just a daily walk?

Our method is simple: together with you we discuss your available time and we make a plan. Then we’ll call you to make sure you stick to it. We give you a schedule with a finish line.

Even more deadlines? I’m already under so much stress.

We totally get you. We are drowning in obligations in this day and age and time seems to run away from us. Every day offers a thousand choices. But are you really commited to what’s most important to you, to what you need most? And have you scheduled a start date and finish line? Let us help you!

We started Deadline Bureau because as mothers and freelance writers we realized that we always managed to stick to deadlines for our clients and our family but, as a result, never had time for the projects and pastimes that give us energy, pleasure. Like writing, drawing, running, dancing and starting our own business. 

And by gifting yourself a deadline for ‘you time’, by scheduling yourself on the agenda and sticking to it with our external pressure, by daring to be true to yourself, things will begin to change in your life.  And you will, increasingly, follow your own path.

I want to do something strange or outlandish and I feel a little akward…

It doesn’t matter what you’d like to achieve, we don’t even need to know exactly what your project is. We are open-minded cheerleaders, offering phone calls and a ‘you-time’ schedule. And we, kindly, put pressure on the process, the creation, the doing.

So are you ready for change? Then turn our deadline into your lifeline! 

Just follow these five simple steps:

  1. Think about your project and current situation and have a look at the deadlines we offer. Choose the package that appeals to you most: small, medium or large.
  2. Buy the deadline that suits you best, securely via Mollie/Ideal. We have a credit card solution for international customers.
  3. We will send you an online intake form so you can outline your project and tell us where you are at right now (your available hours and when can we reach you best.)
  4. Together we will create a schedule and clear benchmarks for your project. And stipulate a finishline.
  5. Just like at the gym, you have to do the heavy lifting yourself. But we are here to motivate you. If there is no ‘click’ after our first call, we will simply refund your money. So you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Get your fresh Deadline here.