

Dare to fail

Do you dare to fail? Every time I write a sentence I wonder if it is good enough. After all, I’m sure there is someone else who can write down something similar, have the same idea, or a comparable concept – and word it way better. So I stop myself. Or I write it down […]

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Ten bizarre professions that really exist

“If you pay me $50 I will come to your funeral. I will sit or stand at the very back of the crowd and hide behind black glasses and a black lace umbrella. So people think you died with a dark, fascinating secret.” Dana Schwartz, writer Professional grief and grief services, they really exist. In […]

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The voices in my head

Did you see the Disney and Pixar movie ‘Inside Out’ ? Or maybe the film called ‘Luca’? Then you will recognize the concept of different personalities taking the wheel inside your brain and controlling what you do and how you react to a situation. Riley from Inside Out has the emotions Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust […]

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